CC Mixtape #29: Vienna’s Kairos label

This is the third mix this year dedicated to a record label observing a significant milestone in 2019. ECM New Series is 35 this year, and the fantastic U.K. label celebrates its 30th. For Vienna-based Kairos – the word was used by ancient Greeks for the “time” at which it is opportune to act – this year marked a 20th anniversary.

Like ECM New Series and NMC, Kairos has a vibe derived in part by a customary “look”. In ECM’s case, its use of stark, high contrast (and uniformly excellent) black and white photography and a consistent font makes just picking up an ECM disc feel good. NMC runs a royal blue band across the top of their sleeves, with its 3-letter logo in white atop it, like a squared-off cloud. Kairos is similarly consistent; most of the covers of its nearly 200 releases feature paintings by two German artists; the font and – generally – the placement of the text on the cardboard digipacks is uniform.

And like ECM, Kairos has cultivated long-term relationships with a select group of absolute top-tier musicians.

In terms of the music on the discs, well, that’s up to the listener. Kairos is, definitively, a contemporary “art” or avant-garde label.  Much Kairos content might be considered difficult to the lay listener, I suppose, though I don’t happen to think so and I am as lay as it gets. I would say much of what they release recquires multiple listens. I make a point of checking out all new releases on Kairos. Like ECM New Series and NMC, the Kairos name is prety much a guarantee of excellence.

While the global deans of post-Korean War avante-garde music (the American Morton Feldman, the Italians Scelsi, Luigi Nono and Luciano Berio, the Frenchman Tristan Murail, England’s hyper-obtuse Bryan Ferneyhough…) constitute an important presence in its discography, the label is one of the premier showcases for contemporary composers.  The mix below is a 50/50-ish split.

Kairos has put out almost 10 records per year across its 20 years and I must admit I am unfamiliar with most. But I do got a slew, and this program made up of some of my favorite tracks from Kairos releases I am lucky to have heard. Which is to say this is far from representative – though I think it’s a decent try…

A final note – give the opening track 90 seconds for the strings to kick in…

rihm trios

Wolfgang Rihm: In nuce
  ensemble recherche

Jakober 9120040735074

Peter Jakober (1977- ): Puls 2
  Bas Wiegers: Klangforum Wien

Eva Reiter 0015031KAI.20181120012501

Eva Reiter (1976- ): Noch sind wir ein Wort .
  Klangforum Wien


Morton Feldman: For Samuel Beckett (excerpt)
  Sylvain Cambreling: Klangforum Wien

Toshio Hosokawa: Im Frühlingsgarten
  Luigi Gaggero: Ukho Ensemble Kyuv

Toshio Hoshokawa 0015017KAI.20190722045055

Tristan Murail (1947- ): Paludes
  Guillaume Bourgogne: Cairn Ensemble


Unsuk Chin: Xi
  Ensemble Intercontemporain

Nono 0012102KAI

Luigi Nono: La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura; Leggio II
Melise Mellinger & Salvatore Sciarrino

Scelsi 0012032KAI

Giacinto Scelsi: Anahit
  Hans Zender: Kangforum Wien

Lisa Streich 0018002KAI.20190603012744

Lisa Streich (1985- ): Sai Ballare


Wolfgang Rihm: Concerto Dityrambe
Luzerner Sinfonieorchester

Feldman: For Samuel Beckett (conclusion)

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